Everyone else in this world is waiting on their epiphany and i dont want any! But low and behold they come. Just relaxing, listening to music and trying to drowned out the thoughts in my head.
All day ive had this wierd eerie feeling. It may have been from weekend events...but i just feel fake. which is one of my BIGGEST pet peeves. I am a FIRM believer in OWNING who you are and what you do..no matter what it is, or what it makes you.
Any way..my epiphany is..im the other girl. always
The sad thing is..ive known it..i just opted to play it cool and not care..because " i dont want anything serious anyway right now, and this is fun" that was my pep talk
But this damn revalation wont stop haunting me. And i cant help but be discusted in myself noticing how i want it to go away so i can go on doin what i do. At work, the gals will tell stories of things their signif others do for them and im floored and saddened that little things that men SHOULD do for people they care about...really throw me for a loop and i think to myself...guys dont really do that..those guys must be tools...haha but really..im the one with the tools.
* Im the most girly girl youll ever meet, yet i manage to have a freakin BOB VILA COLLECTION OF POWER TOOLS. *
Some one smack some sense and self confidence in me WOULD YA.! I never thought i would miss the infamous..."Tiffany Bridgett!!!!! scolding tone my mom use to scream at me from the bottom of the stairs when i mouthed off.