Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Time for a sex change...

scare ya?

Time for a MENTAL sex change, i've decided.

Im totally fed up with being a chick mentally. Everything else about the whole deal i'll take, wearing heels, nylons, doing my hair and make up...LOVE IT, infact i look forward to getting ready everyday. cocky? no just girly. and i am the definition of the word.

but somethings gatta give. im SOO OVER talking about men..excuse me BOYS, and letting them affect how i feel. I WANT control of my emotions. Noone else. and no offense to my sistas, but come on, lets talk about something else! Do you think these pricks sit around and talk about what we said and did that was cute? NO. The fact is, most of the time its outta sight outta mind, and we know this which is why when we go one day without talking to these boys, we panic because we know we are thinkin about them, but they are not thinkin about us, so we have to remind them "hey, im here." Well forget that. You forget about me? Then you STOOPID boy and i dont have time or room in my life for someone like u. "ON TO THE NEXT ONE, on on to the next one"

The movie 'hes just not that into you' was kinda painful to watch for my gals and i because it was like a magnified version of how girls really act. I mean it was a little more extreme but they had to get their point across. Girls really do wait by their phone for that person or persons to call or magically appear at a bar or function the other person just happens to be at.. its sickening, and thus the reason for my new mindset. IMA BE A DUDE.

-Go head and call me boys, i may answer, if i feel like it
-Sure we can make plans, but if something better comes along, ill make sure i tell you "girls night, sorry"
-text me, ill respond in a few hours, if at all.
-dont expect to be my only Dip, and i wont lead you to believe u are.
-if we get into a spat, we wont work it out, ill ignore your texts and calls because i wont feel like dealing with it, or just dont care enough

the list could go on and on but ill leave it at that :) And i know.."not all men are like that" but i havnt met them, so until i do, my opinion and my theory stands.

How hard could this be? I can work on my bod and make it how i want, I could dye my hair to look how i want, so why cant i change my natural way of thinking and responding? Exactly. I CAN AND I WILL. Sure i cry in ice age, and the biggest loser, but when it comes to dudes, starting now; emotionless.

"Im only ganna break break ya break break your heart" Thanks luda, good idea

Ill keep u posted on my findings..and i think this is going to be fun and easy. I may never go back ;)